Friday, November 6, 2009

Freshwater Fish of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka`s known freshwater species include 90 fish (with twenty-six endemics), yet ongoing studies suggest that the number of undescribed species is potentially quite large. Most of these fish are small and highly specialised to their habitat. Several fish species of an endemic barb genus, Puntius, are considered vulnerable, these include P. cumingii, P. nigrofasciatus, P. martenstyni, P. pleurotaenia, and P. titteya. One species, P. bandula, is critically endangered. Rare endemic species include the Jonklaas loach (Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi), Rasporas (Rasbora wilpita, R. vaterifloris), and the spotted Gourami (Malphuhutta kretseri). Threats Deforestation for fuel wood and agriculture, in stream habitat alteration, introduced species, pesticide use, and collection of fish for aquarium trade has damaged parts of the freshwater ecosystem. A number of species adapted to still or slow-water environments are threatened by conversion of habitats for rice cultivation.

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